
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

California Uber Alles with Max Resist, Enforcer, & White Knuckle Driver

On May 18th, 2013, comrades from across California and the United States came together to support the California Skinheads for their "Uber Alles 2013" show. It turned out perfect, and was a great opportunity to enjoy some excellent music and camaraderie.

Society members from our San Diego Chapter, Strikeforce Chapter, Los Angeles, the Women of Society, and Society Youth attended the event as well. Those of us from Southern California made the 5 hour trek Saturday and arrived in time to be greeted by our kinsmen from California Skinheads, GSS, and the many other organizations that have recently taken the initiative to foster the kind of unity our state has lacked for far too long. The gathering took place at a pretty cool venue whose staff seemed very friendly and open to our presence. There was a large private hall in the back, with a full bar and a good sized stage with good atmosphere. Vendors included Get Some 88 and Hatecrime Streetwear, as well as a few others, and they seemed to do pretty good business. Food was also available in an outside area, and a lot of people took advantage of the hospitality.

Shortly after our arrival, it was time for the show to begin, and first up was Orange County's White Knuckle Driver. Most of us have seen them numerous times, as they do a great job of going out of their way to play almost every show in California and even the surrounding states, such as at Arizona's Oi! Fest, where some of us saw them in March. They are a band that is willing to open up for most of the shows, even though they have been together for a few years now, and are quite musically talented, so they should get a little more respect, in my opinion.
White Knuckle Driver
It seemed that they did indeed get a enthusiastic response this time, because the dance floor stayed pretty full and a lot of the audience has grown familiar with their songs. They also played a number of covers, even a Slayer song that sounded awesome. Toward the end of their set, as is their custom, they brought the wife of one of the guitarists on stage for 3 or 4 Skrewdriver covers. About 15 females took over the moshpit, which was entertaining.

The next band to take the stage was Enforcer, a Blood & Honour band who travelled all the way from Omaha, Nebraska. This was my first time seeing them. They have an older rac & roll sound that sometimes borders on glam rock, but aren't bad. At first the crowd wasn't paying a lot of attention. However, as their set continued, more people gathered to the stage and started dancing, especially when they did their Skrewdriver and Cock Sparrer cover songs, which sounded pretty good.
Max Resist
Unfortunately, Youngland was unable to make it, so the final act was Max Resist. As usual, Shawn and the band put on the awesome performance we've all come to expect. Everyone was very excited, and the pit raged pretty good during this set. As usual, they closed with Landser's "88 Rock n' Roll Band," with members of the other bands, and people from the crowd, joining them onstage to help sing the chorus. It was a great way to end a very fun and successful night.
Max Resist
We also had the opportunity to join together with the bands. and our comrades from all the participating organizations, to gather in a circle and hoist the meadhorn for sumbel. Comrades toasted one another, gave thanks to the organizers, honored our fallen brothers (including our own Society martyr, Christopher "Trooper" Hawthorne, who died fighting SHARPs in 2009), and pledged loyalty to one another for continued unity in the California scene.
All in all, this was a very successful event for California Skinheads, and we greatly appreciated the hospitality freely offered to us by everyone there this weekend, and actually every time I've had the opportunity to visit them.
Although we all know that WP shows aren't the only answer to our Race's problems, they are useful for us to network with likeminded comrades, build enthusiasm, and (when done right) foster unity and bonds of loyalty amongst one another. With that said, we salute everyone who made this possible, and are looking forward to next time!
Hail the Society!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

8 American Nationalists Disrupt Communist Rally in Front of the White House

On May 1st, 8 pro-White activists attended the traditional communist May Day protests in Washington, DC. Hundreds of loud, stupid, anti-Whites (who just finished looting a Gap store) were out of their minds with rage when they spotted the activists, and eventually tried to physically attack them.

Due to a strong police presence, the Whites had to show restraint in defending themselves and their flags, but they did succeed in recovering the flags from the mob in the end. Because of the violence, where one of the black anti-Whites attacked an officer, the cops ended up shutting down the entire rally. So this action did have positive results.

One of the main people who led the White activists is Matt Heimbach, who has gained mainstream recognition in recent years for founding a successful White Student Union at Towson University. This was accomplished despite heavy opposition from anti-White groups, and the school's liberal establishment. The White Student Union is active in promoting White rights and White culture, and cultivate a more conservative, law-abiding, professional image. They do not advocate National Socialism or necessarily share all of our views, but they do stand for our Race, and should be supported for that.

Unfortunately for many of us, it is difficult to just stand there when confronted with the enemy, especially when they are behaving so disrespectfully. Most of us would prefer to just smash the scum. So, some might be a little turned off by this type of activism. However, for our Cause to succeed, all members of our Race need to get involved, and if this is how these individuals choose to contribute, we should salute their work. I think they make a good impression on more normal, mainstream Whites, who are getting tired of left-wing anti-White propaganda, and their degenerate followers.

Here is a form of protest against red scum that most of us Skinheads would probably be more interested in participating in:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Anti-Racist Hitler: a great example of pro-White satire

Anti-racist Hitler is a great cartoon video that has gone viral on youtube since its release on April 20, 2013.

Hitler emerges from his long hiatus (in Argentina) to reveal to the world that he is now an "avowed anti-racist". He then proceeds to form an organization to combat racism wherever it may be found. This inevitably takes him straight to the Jewish state of Israel, with its ethnocentric racial programs and its harsh Apartheid-style policies towards its native non-Jewish population.
Preaching the dynamic creed of unlimited immigration, multiculturalism, miscegenation, and "diversity," Hitler makes great strides in bringing Israelis into a new age of love and brotherhood. Unfortunately, some Jews are not as progressive as Hitler, and voice concerns about the inevitable consequences of such social programs; namely, the eventual extinction of the Jewish people.
What is interesting is that the arguments Hitler utilizes against his Jewish opponents are quoted verbatim from actual Jewish and liberal media activists when they are confronted with White protests against the exact same situations in White countries.
Who would've guessed what ends up happening to Israel!
This piece was created by White Rabbit Radio, as part of an effort by activists in Bob Whitaker's BUGS group, which is not a membership organization, but a loose affiliation of activists who focus on political outreach, mainly online. BUGS works to change public attitudes toward political correctness, especially in regards to White genocide. One of their more successful slogans is: "Anti-racism is a code word for Anti-White."
I think videos in this humerous, satirical style are a useful tool now days, when people are so fed up with the ridiculous hypocrisy of modern-day, anti-White political correctness. They say laughter is the best medicine, and stuff like this makes it fun & cool for people to question the establishment's sacred cow. I think we should see more projects like this, and I'd like to see us get involved in supporting those who are currently doing it. It would be cool if more of us try our hands at making videos of our own.
In the meantime, one minor form of activism that doesn't take much work when you're just surfing the web, is to help "swarm" comment boards on youtube and other sites, with pro-White slogans, such as the BUGS Mantra quoted above. As long as it's intelligent and clear, it can help us make our presence known, and show others that there is an alternative to being a slave.